Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences Hospital
Latest News:

BIHS General Hospital (An Enterprice of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh) Providing COVID-19 RT-PCR Test from the very begining of corona virus outbreak in Bangladesh.

Now we also providing this service to the people who need certificate to go abroad.

BIHS General Hospital is running Covid-19 Care unit with 61 Isolation Bed, 16 ICU and 5 HDU.

24x7 Emergency Hotline:
Telephone: +8801783-917151

Contact information:
Telephone: 8035501-6
Fax: 0000 00000 00000(88)

Blood Banks in BIHS Hospital

Every two seconds in Bangladesh, someone requires blood. Remember, your blood can save a life. Premature babies, major surgeries of patients, accident victims, trauma patients, patients suffering from anemia, cancer, dengue etc require large quantity of blood. The BIHSH blood banks cater to these needs of the people. Equipped with all the necessary medical equipments kits for blood testing.
The blood banks in BIHSH aim at assisting the people in crisis and emergencies by timely providing with safe tested donated blood. Testing of blood groups, blood donation, careful storage of blood are our services for this section

Did you know ?

  • Blood Banks of Mid-Florida needs to collect at least 100 pints of blood every day to meet the needs of our hospitals.
  • Blood cannot be manufactured artificially and nothing can be substituted for the functions that blood serves. The only source of the blood supply is from volunteer blood donors.
  • Every three seconds someone needs blood
  • If all blood donors gave 2 to 4 times a year, it would help prevent blood shortages.


Who Can Donate Blood ?

In general you ARE ELIGIBLE to donate blood if :

  • You are 17 years old or older. There is no upper age limit.
  • You weigh at least 110 pounds
  • You are in good health. If taking medication, you may be able to donate depending on the reason for and the type of medication.

Medications that do not prevent you from donating

  • High Blood Pressure Medications.
  • Insulin (by mouth or injection)
  • Allergy Medications
  • Asthma Medications
  • Anti-depressants
  • Aspirin
  • Cholesterol Lowering Medications
  • Seizure Medications
  • Diet Pills

You ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to donate if:

  • You had hepatitis after the age of 10.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You have had a tattoo within the last 12 months
  • You participate in high-risk behaviors.

Medications that preclude you from donating:

  • Coumadin
  • Proscar
  • Propecia
  • Accutane Avodart

What About

  • Anemia (low iron) : Iron levels in the blood vary daily. These levels are checked at the time of donation. If you were previously deferred because of your iron level, please try again.
  • Breast Feeding : You may donate if you are breastfeeding.
  • Menstrual Period : You may donate if you are feeling well.
  • Hemochromatosis : You may be eligible do donate blood for others if you have hereditary hemochromatosis. To do so you must present an appropriately completed prescription or requisition from your physician.

Some Tips for a Very Successful First-Time Donation:

  • Realize that it’s normal to be nervous. Many people experience a natural hesitancy towards donating. Once you have done it, the fear of the unknown is overcome and you’ll feel very good about yourself.
  • Drink lots of water and try to eat a good meal before donating. The water helps to replace the small amount of fluid that you lose when you donate.
  • Familiarize yourself with the donation process. Ask questions. Understanding the process helps you relax.
  • Think about the fact that with one donation, you are helping 3 people to have another birthday, another hug, another chance at life.
Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences Hospital